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API Keys

API keys are used to authenticate requests to the OramaCore API

As explained in the Architecture section, OramaCore is split in two sides: the reader side and the writer side.

Therefore, depending on the operation you want to perform, you will need to use different API keys.

In total, OramaCore will give you access to three different kinds API keys:

Master API Key

Not safe to share. Never share the master API key publicly. Treat it as a password.

The master API key is an essential key that allows you to configure the OramaCore instance and create or delete new collections.

It's configurable via the config.yaml file under the writer_side section:

# ...
    master_api_key: foobar
# ...

You will need this API key to:

  • Create a new collection
  • Delete a collection
  • Update the configuration of a collection

In all the cases above, you will need to pass the master API key in the Authorization header of the request as a Bearer token.


curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/v1/collections/create \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <master-api-key>' \
  -d '{
    "id": "products",
    "write_api_key": "my-write-api-key",
    "read_api_key": "my-read-api-key"

As you can see, when creating a new collection, you will need to create the read_api_key and write_api_key as well. You will them use them to perform read and write operations on the collection.

When using the JavaScript client, OramaCore will automatically set the correct API key for you. If you're connecting to your OramaCore instance from a web browser, please make sure to never expose the master API key to the client.

Write API Key

Not safe to share. Never share the write API key publicly. Treat it as a password.

The write API key is used to insert, update, or delete documents in a collection, as well as creating new hooks and actions.

Every collection has its own write API key, which is generated when you create the collection.

You will need this API key to:

  • Insert one or more documents into a collection
  • Update one or more documents in a collection
  • Delete one or more documents from a collection
  • Create a new hook or action

In all the cases above, you will need to pass the write API key in the Authorization header of the request as a Bearer token.


curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/v1/collections/{COLLECTION_ID}/insert \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <write_api_key>' \
  -d '[{
    "title": "My first document",
    "content": "This is the content of my first document."

Like with the master API key, when using the JavaScript client, OramaCore will automatically set the correct API key for you. If you're connecting to your OramaCore instance from a web browser, please make sure to never expose the write API key to the client.

Read API Key

Safe to share. This API key performs read operations only. You can share it publicly.

The read API key is used to perform read operations on a collection.

Every collection has its own read API key, which is generated when you create the collection.

You will need this API key to:

  • Perform full-text, hybrid, or vector search
  • Read the documents in a collection
  • Perform answer sessions

In all the cases above, you will need to pass the read API key as a query parameter in the request.


curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/v1/collections/{COLLECTION_ID}/search?api-key=<read_api_key> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "term": "The quick brown fox" }'

If you're using the JavaScript client, you can share the read API key with the client, as it only allows read operations.

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