An introduction to triggers in OramaCore
In OramaCore, triggers are a set of rules that define how to respond to a user based on their interaction with your application. They are an essential part of audience management, allowing you to personalize the user experience and drive engagement and conversion.
Example: Luxury Car Dealership
In the past section (on user segmentation), we discussed how we could segment users of a luxury car dealership into three groups:
- Exotic Car Lovers
- Luxury Car Explorers
- Luxury Car Buyers
Once you segmented your users, you can decide to reply differently to each group, even if they all ask the same thing. Let's see an example:
Question | Segment | Reply |
"What's the price of the new Ferrari?" | Exotic Car Lovers | "The new Ferrari is $300,000. Configure yours and share it on your Instagram!" |
"How much does the new Ferrari cost?" | Luxury Car Explorers | "The new Ferrari is $100,000. Book a test drive and get a free gift!" |
"New Ferrari cost" | Luxury Car Buyers | "The new Ferrari is $300,000. Buy today to get an exclusive membership to our club!" |
The reasoning behind these three different replies based on the same question is that each segment has different needs and expectations.
As we've seen when discussing segments, Exotic Car Lovers may not necessarily have the budget to buy a Ferrari, but they are interested in the brand and the lifestyle associated with it. Therefore, prompting them to configure their own Ferrari and share it on Instagram is a way to engage them and keep them interested in the brand.
Luxury Car Explorers are interested in the car but may not be ready to buy yet. It may be convenient to offer them a test drive and a free gift to incentivize them to visit the dealership and experience the car in person.
Finally, Luxury Car Buyers are ready to buy and need a little push to make the purchase.
You can apply this logic to any domain and any type of user interaction. Triggers are a powerful tool to personalize the user experience and drive engagement and conversion.
Creating a Trigger
To create a treigger, you can either use the official SDKs or an API call.
Every trigger is composed of the following fields:
Field | Description | Mandatory |
name | The name of the trigger. | Yes |
description | A natural language description of the trigger. It describes the situation in which the trigger should be activated. | Yes |
response | A natural language description of how OramaCore should respond to the trigger. | Yes |
segment_id | The ID of the segment to which the trigger is associated. | No |
While you can create triggers without passing a segment_id
, we highly recommend you to associate each trigger with a segment. This way, you can provide different responses to different segments, personalizing the user experience and driving engagement and conversion.
Getting a Trigger
After inserting a trigger, you'll receive its ID in the response. You can use this ID to retrieve the trigger details.
Listing all triggers
When inserting one or more triggers, you can list all of them to get an overview of your audience.
Update a Trigger
Beware: You can not change the segment_id
of a trigger once it has been created. If you need to change the segment, you should delete the trigger and create a new one.
To update a trigger, you can use the following API call:
Delete a Trigger
You can always delete a trigger if you don't need it anymore. The trigger will be removed from the collection, and you won't be able to retrieve it anymore.